Natron – Free and Open-Source Digital Compositing Software
Welcome to our tutorial on Natron, the free and open-source digital compositing software! If you’re interested in creating stunning visual effects and compositing shots, Natron is a powerful tool you should add to your VFX pipeline. In this video, we’ll introduce you to Natron and explore its features and capabilities. Natron offers a node-based workflow,..
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How to Host a Django Website on WAMP Apache Server
Welcome to our tutorial on hosting a Django website on a WAMP Apache server! If you’re a Django developer looking to deploy your website locally using the popular WAMP stack, you’ve come to the right place. In this video, we’ll guide you through the step-by-step process of hosting a Django website on a WAMP Apache..
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How to Use Django Memcached on Windows
Welcome to our tutorial on how to use Django Memcached on Windows! If you’re a Django developer looking to optimize the performance of your web applications, utilizing a caching system like Memcached can significantly improve response times and reduce database load. In this video, we’ll guide you through the process of setting up and using..
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GlusterFS CentOS 7
GlusterFS CentOS 7 Installation – Part 1 Welcome to our video series on GlusterFS, the scalable network filesystem. In this first part, we’ll guide you through the installation process of GlusterFS on CentOS 7. Join us as we explore the steps required to set up GlusterFS, a powerful distributed file system that provides high availability..
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Join Active Directory Domain Network from CentOS/RHEL
Join Active Directory Domain Network from CentOS/RHEL – Part 1 Welcome to our video series on joining an Active Directory domain network from CentOS/RHEL! In this first part, we’ll guide you through the step-by-step process of joining your CentOS or RHEL server to an Active Directory domain. Join us as we explore the seamless integration..
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RenderBOX 1.0 – Statistics and Review Welcome to our video where we dive into the world of RenderBOX 1.0! In this in-depth review, we’ll explore the key features, statistics, and performance of RenderBOX, a powerful rendering solution for your VFX pipeline. Join us as we analyze the capabilities of RenderBOX and provide insights into its..
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Qt Designer Tutorial
Qt Designer Tutorial – Create Application GUI (Graphical User Interface) – Part 01 Welcome to Part 01 of our Qt Designer tutorial series! In this video, we’ll explore the powerful features of Qt Designer and show you how to create a visually appealing and functional Graphical User Interface (GUI) for your applications. Join us as..
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Convert Python .py File to Executable (.exe) – Step-by-Step Guide
Looking to convert your Python .py file into a standalone executable (.exe) file? In this video, we’ll walk you through the process of converting a Python script into an executable file that can be run on any Windows machine, without the need for Python installation. Join us as we explain the various tools and techniques..
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PYPL PopularitY of Programming Language Index Explained
Curious about the popularity of programming languages? In this video, we dive into the PYPL (PopularitY of Programming Language) index and explore what it reveals about the popularity and trends of different programming languages. Join us as we discuss how the PYPL index is calculated, what factors contribute to a language’s popularity, and why it..
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How to Set Up Free Web Hosting for Your Domain in Hindi | Step-by-Step Guide
Are you looking to set up free web hosting for your domain? Look no further! In this video, we will guide you through the step-by-step process of setting up free web hosting for your domain. Whether you’re a beginner or have some experience, this video is designed to help you get started with hosting your..
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