Automate Active Directory
Active Directory Automation: Understanding the Power of Active Directory – Part 1 Are you ready to streamline your VFX studio’s user management and authentication processes? In this video tutorial series, we dive into the world of Active Directory automation. In Part 1, we start by demystifying the concept of Active Directory and exploring its key..
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Python Virtual Environment: Managing Dependencies for VFX Pipelines | VFX Pipeline Tutorial
Welcome to our channel! In this tutorial, we will dive into the world of Python Virtual Environment and explore the power of Virtualenv. Virtual environments play a crucial role in managing dependencies for VFX pipelines, ensuring a clean and isolated environment for your Python projects. In this video, we will guide you through the process..
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Convert Qt Designer UI to Python Code with PyCharm | VFX Pipeline Tutorial
Welcome to our channel! In this tutorial, we will show you how to convert Qt Designer UI files to Python code using PyCharm’s External Tools feature. Qt Designer is a powerful visual design tool for creating user interfaces, and converting the UI files to Python code allows for seamless integration with your VFX pipeline. In..
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Connect Autodesk Maya and PyCharm IDE with MayaCharm | VFX Pipeline Tutorial
Welcome to our channel! In this tutorial, we will guide you through the process of connecting Autodesk Maya, the industry-leading 3D animation software, with the powerful PyCharm IDE using the MayaCharm plugin. By integrating Maya and PyCharm, you can enhance your VFX pipeline development and streamline your workflow. In this video, we’ll demonstrate how to..
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Django Authentication with FreeIPA LDAP
Django Authentication with FreeIPA LDAP – Part 01 | VFX Pipeline Tutorial Welcome to our channel! In this tutorial series, we will guide you through the process of integrating Django authentication with FreeIPA LDAP, a robust identity management system. FreeIPA LDAP provides centralized authentication and user management, making it an ideal choice for securing your..
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Creating a System Tray Application using Python and Qt | VFX Pipeline Tutorial
Welcome to our channel! In this Python tutorial video, we will guide you through the process of creating a system tray application using Python and the Qt framework. A system tray application provides a convenient way to run background tasks, monitor processes, and access important features right from the system tray icon. In this video,..
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Python Shutil – Copy, Move, and Delete Files and Folders | VFX Pipeline Tutorial
Welcome to our channel! In this Python tutorial video, we will explore the powerful capabilities of the Shutil library for file and folder manipulation. Specifically, we will dive into the functionalities of copying, moving, and deleting files and folders using Python. Whether you’re a VFX artist, a developer, or a beginner looking to expand your..
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Zimbra Tutorial
Zimbra Tutorial – #01 Introduction to Open-Source Email Collaboration Solution Welcome to our channel! In this Zimbra tutorial video, we will introduce you to Zimbra, the world’s leading open-source email collaboration solution. Zimbra offers a robust and feature-rich platform for managing emails, calendars, contacts, and more, making it an ideal choice for businesses and organizations..
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Python Tutorial – How to Use FFMPEG with Python for MOV to Image Sequence and Thumbnail Generation
Welcome to our channel! In this Python tutorial video, we will guide you on how to use FFMPEG with Python to convert MOV files to image sequences and generate thumbnails. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced Python developer, this tutorial will provide you with the necessary knowledge to utilize FFMPEG for efficient media processing..
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Python Tutorial – How to Check File Extension Using Python | File Handling in Python
Welcome to our channel! In this Python tutorial video, we will guide you on how to check the file extension using Python. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced Python developer, this tutorial will provide you with the necessary knowledge to handle files and extract file extensions in your projects. We will walk you through..
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